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If you want to make it easier for people to play without switching engines you could bundle a private JRE. I can confirm this game works fine with AdoptOpenJDK 8 (as that's what I have installed on my system). The tradeoff would of course be the download size.

well, I've attempted to make a .exe version of it, in case that's of any use to anyone

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this is a great game but if you really want more ppl to play it you have to make it easier to play just in case if someone really likes your game but cant play it because they dont have java so i recommend using a game engine thats universal and easier to play with

(1 edit)

well I can't exactly fix that now, seeing as that would pretty much require me to completely redo the entire thing, and there's not really enough time for me to do that before the deadline of this jam, y'know?

and it isn't as if java's some stupid obscure thing that literally nobody has on their computer (hell, doesn't minecraft also come with a java installer or something like that nowadays?)

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lol sorry man i forgot this was for a jam my bad


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